Flower Power: Adventures At Horrocks!

June 17th, 2013


This past weekend I went out with Tiffany and Julia to do some pictures at Horrocks, a local organic market and floralstore. We went out and took some pictures in the multiple aisles of flowers, even with a little sprinkling of rain here and there, it made for a pleasant day!

Tiffany’s Outfit:

  • Dress: Brandy Melville
  • Kimono: Buckle
  • Shoes: Doc Martens

We may have been looking like we were stocking up on flowers in the photos, but in reality we just looked like freaks posing for pictures with flowers. Julia should be in a Martha Stewart Mag!

Tiffany and I go to different schools so when we get the opportunity to hang out we definitely take advantage, and converse about fashion and the internet. 😉

After much time spent in the store, and the skies cleared, we walked around a bit and to 7/11 where we got a few pics.

My Outfit:


It was nice to spend some time in a simple place and get so much enjoyment out of it. It inspires me to get out to more local stores to tour and play around in this Summer. It was also nice to do something relaxing with all the hustle and bustle of Annmarie’s wedding coming up, 5 MORE DAYS! It is crazy how different our lives will be after this weekend! I hope you are enjoying your Summers readers! xxoo

Grand Rapids, Or Should I Say, Atlantis?

April 22nd, 2013


It was an interesting view for me Sunday afternoon, as I could not walk along the paths that were paved along the Grand River. They were a few feet below water to the immense amounts of rain that occurred a couple days before.  Now I know that Atlantis is a bit of an exaggeration to the situation, but it is not an understatement to say that the water was something crazy!

I was not kidding. Thankfully it has not been severely dangerous to the people, and it has been kind of interesting seeing the town in a way it has never been before, if rarely. Many places and bridges along the Grand were closed due to the flooding, and worry of rising waters to overflow the bridges.

We spent some time along the river outside the Gerald R. Ford Museum to check out the overflow, and to get a grasp on the flooding, the lights in the upper-right hand corner of the photo above is where it should be normally. This is normally just an open grass area.


It was a little breezy that day, but I was pretty comfortable in my button-up flannel I bought freshman year that has been resurrected from my wardrobe, along with some shoes I don’t even remember when I bought them. I’m also some sunglasses and a beanie from H&M. This beanie has made many appearances on this blog, I just love to wear it with everything!


Although things were a little wet in GR the past few days, the sunshine and being in town is really making me anxious for Summer and warmer weather. Only a few more weeks of class until I’m free!(For the most part 😉 ) Enjoy your week readers!

California Dreamin’

February  2nd, 2013

Well today, my inspiration has been my longing for the West coast, and definitely not Michigan’s. This outfit, probably is not appropriate for the weather but these temperatures haven’t been calling my name outdoors much either. I like Michigan for the most part, even though my dramatic tweets probably make it seem otherwise. The Summers are so much more enjoyable than the Winters. I like Winter, but the weather that comes with it makes getting around quite difficult, especially when you don’t live in as dense of an area as other towns.

This Outfit:________________________

  1. Grey Beanie from H&M
  2. Denim Button-Up from H&M
  3. DIY Tie-Dye T Shirt
  4. Anchor Necklace from a small shop in Northern Michigan
  5. Khaki Pants from Rue 21

The problem most Michiganders, and I have is that half way through Winter, we get tired of wearing clothes to keep warm, so we push our boundaries as temperatures rise minimally. I seek any opportunity to wear tank-tops, sunglasses, shorts etc at this point of the Winter.

With that inspiration I leave you with some Mamas and the Papas. The song perfectly explains my mood and has resulted in being played on repeat this whole weekend. Have a wonderful weekend readers!

Sweater Obsession: I Might Need Help!

Happy Monday readers! Thankfully I have the day off today so I managed to take some time and write. These last 2 weeks have been quite hectic. The first week of January featured a lot of stress, anxiety and ambition. I managed to pull through and land myself a part in the show I’m now currently in! The following week then consisted of a week of practice and getting fully back in the swing of things since Winter break ended. I have noticed something, just throughout these couple weeks of 2013, and that is my utter fascination or obsession of Winter sweaters. I was questioned earlier this week by many why I was wearing a Christmas sweater in the midst of January. I really didn’t have an answer rather then I spend too much time and money searching through the racks of goodwill for sweaters. This is the one I wore on my latest visit to good will this Saturday.

Now I bought this beaut’ in November on another shopping spree to good will with Julia. She definitely did not have the same attraction to this piece of textile as I did. I don’t know if it was the large paisleys printed down the front, or the mixes of red, mustard yellow, and brown that brought me to it, but I bought it and still don’t regret it.

This pattern though.

This is just one of the many that I have added to my collection this past season. I love finding sweaters as these because while it may have been trash to one it is treasure to another. I hope to share more outfits in posts like these in the future. Do you all enjoy sweaters like I do, or do you have another article of clothing you can’t get enough of? I’d like to know! Anyways, have a wonderful week readers and Happy MLK Day!

Feeling Fancy!

Let me start off by saying Merry Christmas Eve Eve, I am sure most of you are finishing the last of your dishes to serve at family gatherings, or cleaning left and right for the next 2 days, I know my family is! I am finally off on break for two weeks which has totally let my mind take a couple days and do some “Spring Cleaning” as well. Last night, I went to my friend’s for a Christmas dinner party, and we all thought it would be fun to get dressed up all fancy and pretend we were on Mad Men. Of course I wanted to document my attire considering how long it took me to get ready, and I have been wanting to use this blank purple wall in my sister’s old room to get some pictures and I finally did just that!

Now I’m sure you have seen most of these photos already, considering they dress my Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest etc. My favorite part about this outfit is my bow tie that I picked up for homecoming in October.

Anyways, I have been trying to more OOTD photo sets because… well they’re just fun to do, and kind of motivate me to put better outfits together. Enjoy the holidays readers and Merry Christmas!