Quick Fix #1: Jeans To Shorts!


Hello all, and welcome to a new blog-series I have just started called “Quick Fix!” This series will basically feature DIY projects, or helpful things/projects that you may find useful!

+To start off this series, I decided to fix a problem I have had for a while now. If you are like me and have recently gone through weight loss, you know how frustrating it is to have a lot of clothing that does not fit well even more, and my biggest problem has been skinny jeans, because they are meant to be your size, and over sized skinny jeans are not formfitting at all, especially at the thighs! The fix I found for this… cut them! Take some fabric scissors and cut them to your heart’s desire!

+It really is a simple process, and the freedom you have is to cut them at any length you want! You can cut them a little below the knee and roll them up, or but them a little above the knee and have perfectly cut shorts. I cut a little above the knee because I like the grungy look of the frayed fabric!

+The biggest tip I have for this, is cut way lower then you are expecting to at first! You do not want to make a pair of booty shorts and realize it looks bad and just wasted the pair of jeans. Cut low and then snip off more, and more at a time until you have found the length to your liking. Also remember to try on the pants/shorts between every cut, so you can see how they look on you, skinny jeans are tricky!


+Finished! I still have some trimming around the bottoms I need to even out, but I am pretty pleased with them. These are my first pair, so for a practice pair, I think they don’t look jank! Let me know if any of you try this out and tell me how it goes, have a good one readers!